Monday, May 31, 2010

International Indigenous Women’s Forum

The International Indigenous Women's Forum is a network of Indigenous women leaders from Asia, Africa, and the Americas working to increase their participation and visibility in the international arena, and build capacity, and the Indigenous Women's Fund is the "economic and philanthropic arm".  Catalyzed by a UN conference, we're struck by what they are supporting:

"traditional indigenous economy base on the principles of reciprocity, solidarity and complementarity."
"indigenous community economic models for a "health living" seeking development that allows you to maintain your identity."

Exactly.  We couldn't have said it better.

In their "intercultural" approach to philanthropy, the Fund seeks to"
• Address issues of inequity;
• Base its work on traditional Indigenous values of reciprocity and complementarity and "unity in diversity";
• Facilitate and promote equal exchanges between donors and grantees, and between the Global North and South and within;
• Build partnerships of mutual interests and reciprocity between donor or social change supporters and grantees

Best wishes to you mothers and elders in pursuing this work.

IFIP 2009 and Related Quotes

International Funders of Indigenous People 2009 sessions covered climate change, the need for adaptation, food security, Indigenous rights, sovereignty, and self-determination.  It gave, in their words, "a rare opportunity to learn about the interconnectedness of Indigenous peoples and their environment, and their commitment to protecting the world for future generations."

Some select quotes:

"We hope to live for centuries in a healthy environment. . . Wearing a smile and holding our hearts in our hands, we need to reconstruct this generation that is in darkness, because tomorrow it will be too late." - Anank Nunkai of the Ecuadorian Amazon, traditional healer and former Indigenous Permaculture

"No one has the right to genetically modify our Cosmogenealogy,""These foods are not just foods … they are our relatives", Winona LaDuke said.  She stressed the importance of the 're-localization of community'

"Even if we have never seen each other, Native people understand one other,"  Aaju Peter of Iqaluit.

Simon Ortiz said that Earth Mother really needs our help, that Indigenous people can play a major role in regenerating the world

"While we have a great deal to learn from you about technology in terms of saving the earth, what you need to learn from us is the spiritual technology of saving the earth.", Colombian shaman Don Luciano Mutumbajoy (at the 2001 Environmental Grantmakers Association Retreat)

Monday, May 10, 2010

Local Food Roundup

Of the many interesting articles there are on community food systems, this "From Blight to a Tasty Bite, Growing Food to Root a Neighborhood" article on Oakland is worth a look.  And for a current Native perspective, listen in on Friday, May 14, 2010 to Food: From Farm to School on Native America Calling