Friday, September 18, 2009

Health = Food

Reflecting the growing re-understanding that food is medicine, the Center for Disease Control has guidance to grow your own food.   Hospitals serving good food can't be far behind.  Or is already ahead, at least in Portland, where they recognize values of indigenous foods like salmon, and Chicago.

In the Bay Area, even health maintenance organizations like Kaiser Permanente are on board

The USDA apparently has developed " a database that will list the nutrient content of about 200 traditional foods".  Although what really needs to be done is restoring healthy populations of local foods for their holistic, synergistic benefits, not reducing them to nutrients, but this may be helpful for those without access to their traditional meals.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


AgroInnovations multimedia covers agricultural biodiversity and cultural significance in interviews with Dr. Suzanne Nelson, Director of conservation with Native Seeds/SEARCH

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and Emigdio Ballon, who is an experienced traditional farmer. Emigdio talks to us about Andean crops, cultural significance, and possibilities for economic sustainability.